Brutal and heavy fighting in the Horn of Africa countries in general and in Ethiopia in particular are echoed by the United Nations (UN) and other social media platforms.
Let us express our deepest sorrow at the atrocities and slaughter that is and continues to be committed on and on against the civilian
population of Ethiopia and in particular over the inhabitants of Tigray and Eritrean refugees and the killings of humanitarian workers.
We wish peaceful rest to all those who lost their lives as a result of these atrocities and our condolences to their families and organizations.
We condemn the criminals and their accomplices and urgently demand an investigation by a independent neutral and free body to bring the guilty one’s with their allies to justice and impose the punishment they deserve.
We call strongly on The UN Refugee Advocate (UNHCR) and other humanitarian organizations, urgently to provide whatever assistance is needed to all the displaced and to save their lives.
Let us extend our good wishes to the people who have been pushed out of their beloved homes and evicted without their will, that they return to their normal lives.
In order peace reigns, we strongly urge the actors to start to implement their necessary efforts. In our part let us ensure that the Eritrean Relief and Development Association will play its positive role as always.
Executive Committee
Worldwide Eritrean Relief and Development Association
January 06, 2022